No matter where you are on your journey this community will show you that you are not alone. We all get hit by similar waves, fighting through storms unnoticed by others. Here at Our Strength you will find a supportive community and personal experiences you can relate to. Together we will share our strength to make the days easier, together we can turn what we perceive as our weakness into our strength.
To join Our Strength all you need to do is take part! Read, connect and be a part of our nation - built on supporting and making each other stronger. Break the silence surrounding invisible conditions that has grown through fear of being misunderstood, connect through Our Strength and you will find we do understand you, we are battling the same storm.
If you want to share your experiences and stories you can contact me.
Caitlin Marie Kiddie
Welcome to our strong nation of people finding their voice and finding their Strength.
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I like to think of battling a chronic illness as learning to swim with the waves. There are so many ups and downs and storms that take you by surprise.